Oriental Turkey Soup Makes Eating Healthy Simple

Oriental turkey soup is my husband’s favorite, and it is simple to make. My mother-in-law gave me the recipe for it, and I changed it a little. Sometimes the grocery store doesn’t have items that I need in stock, so I have to improvise. Improvising creates lots of possibilities in the kitchen!

Oriental Turkey Soup

Traditionally, oriental turkey soup is served with rice. Any rice can be used, depending on personal preference. If you are staying away from carbs, riced cauliflower can be a nice substitute. I found it in the frozen vegetable section. It only takes five minutes to microwave the cauliflower, making it fast and healthy. Nori sheets can be cut up and added on top when serving. However, this soup is delicious enough to stand on its own.

Riced Cauliflower

Oriental Turkey Soup

2 Tbsp. Oil
2 lbs. Ground Turkey
1 Sweet Onion
3 Cloves Garlic
3 Stalks Celery with Leaves
8-oz. Package Fresh Mushrooms
1 Quart (32 oz.) Low Sodium Chicken Broth
1 Can, Drained or 1 1/2 Cups Bean Sprouts
1 Can, Drained or 1 1/2 Cups Oriental Vegetable Mix
1 Small Can, Drained Water Chestnuts
4 Tbsp. Low Sodium Soy Sauce
2 Tbsp. Teriyaki Sauce
1 Tbsp. Sesame Oil (optional)
Salt and Pepper to Taste

Saute the turkey, onion, garlic, celery, and mushrooms in the oil on medium heat. This can be done in a large pot for a one-dish meal, or it can be done in a skillet, making it a two-dish meal. This time, I chose a skillet because it was quicker. After the meat is thoroughly cooked, add the rest of the ingredients. Make sure to have a pot large enough to hold it all. Let the soup simmer for ten minutes, then it is done. If making rice, it’s good to plan a little ahead of time to ensure it’s ready when the soup is. Brown rice takes as long as fifty minutes to cook, and jasmine takes fifteen.

Oriental Turkey Soup

Oriental Turkey Soup