Update on Seeds Planted and Other Gardening Adventures

Well, it’s been a little over a month since I planted lots of different seeds. Unfortunately, some never germinated, but the ones that did are doing well. The zinnias and two of the herbs are ready to transplant outdoors, since there is no more chance of frost. These plants have also acclimated to the outside environment for a couple of days, so they should be fine. Where they need to be planted must be weeded first. This is the not-so-fun part of gardening.

Seedlings Ready for Transplant

Today, I will also plant some hardy gladiolus corms I found a couple of weeks ago. These kind of gladiolus are safe to leave in the ground all winter in my zone. Luckily, most of my non-hardy gladiolus came up from last year. It’s because I planted them strategically on the south side of my house and by a wall. I also mulched them in the fall and winter. Hopefully, they will  keep coming back this way.

Hardy GladiolusGladiolus

When I found the hardy gladiolus, I also found a lonely, little amaryllis bulb. A lady at the plant nursery told me I could take it for free because it didn’t have a price and looked poorly. After doing some research online, I found that the orange spots on the bulb were fungus. I took the outer layers off and cut out the rest of the affected parts. Then I thoroughly sprayed the bulb with copper fungicide. I even used the fungicide to water the bulb into its pot. It is looking quite nice now compared to what it did. Hopefully, it will bloom beautifully for me soon.

Amaryllis First PottedNew Growth


My cilantro and dill managed to come up nicely. Those plants will be transplanted into my berry bed. After the parsley gets a little bigger, I will acclimate and transplant it to the same bed. Only one Danish Flag Poppy and one passion flower germinated. They need more time indoors to get bigger and stronger. All of the zinnias and lemon mint came up for me. None of the Feverfew or Ipomoea lobata seeds decided to grow.  Kiss me over the garden gate remains to be planted, so it could possibly do well. I’m happy with the way things turned out, but I do wish that some of everything germinated. Next time, I will have to try different pots and methods for better results. It is possible that some of the seeds expired after a year because they were so moist. All in all, it was fun to do and gave me nice plants to enjoy.

Lemon Mint, Passion Flower, Poppy, and Parsley

Zinnias TransplantedMore Zinnias

Dill TransplantedCilantro Transplanted


A cute, little side note: When reaching for my shovel, I found this little critter. I let it sleep.

Tree Frog

I also found a baby snake by the water faucet. It got wet and angry with me, but it didn’t bite.