Crochet Coaster of the Turtle Variety

This crochet turtle coaster I found at Amigurumi Today is easy to make and useful for saving furniture surfaces. It requires knowledge of the magic circle and some basic sewing skills. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any brown  yarn, so I went with two shades of green. Also, I didn’t have any safety eyes, but I was able to substitute yarn to act like embroidery. Most patterns suggest leaving a long end when finishing a part in order to sew it to the whole. I have experimented, and it has never successfully worked for me. Instead, I prefer to leave a short end and use either yarn or thread to sew together the parts. Thread is usually better than yarn, especially if the colors match well, because it fastens tightly.

Turtle Coaster YarnTurtle Coaster

After crocheting all eight pieces, it’s best and convenient to sew all of them but the shell onto the belly. By doing it that way, all stitches and ugly threads will be hidden underneath it. Before sewing the head to the body, I semi-embroidered the eyes and mouth. This method helps me center everything better. When I first saw this pattern, I wondered if it would be all right to use acrylic yarn because of the heat issue. Then I realized that it’s not a potholder, so any heat coming off of cups shouldn’t melt the material. The turtle coaster ended up being much larger than I thought it would be, so it could be a cute little potholder. If making it into a potholder, I would use cotton yarn to avoid melting or flames.

Turtle CoasterTurtle Coaster

I think the coaster turned out really cute! There are so many other cute and free patterns available at Amigurumi Today. The site is definitely a must for any crocheter. Everything is categorized nicely and described in great detail. So, whether you’re just beginning or are a pro, it’s a great site.

Turtle Coaster

Turtle Coaster


Original Tangle Pattern by Dainty Kitty

The other day, I was just doodling and discovered a cute tangle pattern. There isn’t another one like it, to my knowledge. If there is, it would be a coincidence. The pattern consists mostly of lines, with dots alternating on a grid. It reminds me of electricity and atoms.

Tangle Pattern: Fluffer

Fluffer Tangle

The name Fluffer came about because I think it’s fun to say. Another reason is because I think the wavy lines appear fluffy and ruffly at the same time. I just combined the two adjectives into an amusing, nonsense word.

Fluffer Tangle Shaded Option

Fluffer Tangle

As shown above, it can be shaded for a more dramatic effect. Alternately, the shading could be reversed for a different look. Also, the dots in the grid could be left unfilled. Really it is up to the artist for what the final outcome will be. I think it is an easy pattern to learn and is relaxing to draw. Fluffer will definitely be used in a future project of mine, whatever it may be.

My Own Pattern Inspired by Zentangle

A few years ago, I started dabbling in Zentangle. My cousin sparked my interest by showing me her awesome work. Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts sort of fell into the art form when Maria noticed she felt better after drawing. Zentangle is a term they copyrighted to describe their method and patterns. Anyone can make up their own tangle, but one must submit it to see if it will be trademarked. It’s so much fun, that it’s hard to stop once you’ve tried. There is also a sense of calmness that comes from drawing, using their method.

My Zentangle Drawing

Above is a very humble attempt at making a tangle composition. I was in a very floral mood, as you can see. All of the patterns in it are available for free in the first link. Unfortunately, I don’t remember their names, so it will take some hunting.

After studying and trying my hand with different patterns, I came up with my own tangle. Now, I say that not knowing if there is another one out there like it. I haven’t seen all the patterns, and I’m not a certified teacher. Honestly, this came about from hours of trying to come up with something. My brain just naturally flowed into it. I became fixated with diamonds and rays. There could be many variations depending on shading or the slightest additional line. The tangle reminds me of stars and stripes, but that name might be considered too suggestive. Perhaps, Starps is a good enough tangly term.

Zentangle-Inspired Pattern

Stars and Stripes Tangle


Stars and Stripes TangleStars and Stripes Tangle

Stars and Stripes TangleStars and Stripes Tangle

Stars and Stripes Tangle

Please feel free to use my patterns in your creations. Just drop a line for me, if you would be so kind. ? Saying where the pattern comes from helps my blog and encourages me to make more things. I enjoy sharing my ideas and projects with you. ?

Puff Stitch, Floral Earrings with Free Pattern

The puff stitch (puff st) is used in crochet to add dimension. In this case, I used it to make flower petals for earrings.  It can be tricky to successfully get your hook out from under so many loops, but after a while, the task becomes easier because practice makes perfect. One of the neat things about the puff stitch is that it can be made as puffy as desired. There are many patterns that would benefit from that, especially rugs. However, I am talking about earrings today.

More to ComePuff Stitch Flower Earring SuppliesPuff Stitch Earrings

So, the last time I brought up earrings I teased one of the above pictures. Since tinkering with them, I decided they needed more. While puff stitches are pretty, they appeared so bare and alone. Some greenery was needed. There are many leaf patterns available online, but I wanted this pattern to be strictly original. So, I came up with a pattern for a stem and leaf that aesthetically fit my flowers.

Flower Earrings

Puff Stitch Flower

Key for Terms:
slip stitch (sl. st.)     single crochet (sc)
chain (ch.)                   puff stitch (puff st)

Make 2 or 4 flowers depending on if you would like the earrings to be double-sided or not. Use a size 12 hook with #20 Lizbeth thread.
Wrap thread around a size 8 hook, or whatever equivalent-sized item is necessary for the center of the flower, 12 times. Then sl. st. to secure the circle.
Sc 6 times into the ring and sl. st. together.
*Ch. 3, sl. st. in next sc*, around, then sl. st. into ch-3 space and switch colors.
Make a puff st with a total of 14 loops on hook, sl. st. to close then ch. 3 and sl. st. into same ch-3 space. *Sl. st. into next ch-3 space and make puff st* 4 more times. Sl. st. into first ch-3 space and finish off. I tried to make the puff st stand the same height as a double crochet.

Leaf and Stem Pattern

Key for Terms:
slip stitch (sl. st.)     single crochet (sc)                       treble crochet (tr)
chain (ch.)                 half double crochet (hdc)

Make 4 leaves total and 2 stems. It’s best to make the leaves first because they will be attached to the stem as it is crocheted. To make the leaves:
Ch. 6, then sl. st. in 2nd ch. from hook. Sc in next ch., hdc in next ch., tr in last two ch., ch. 1
Sc 3 times alongside tr just made (since a tr is 3 stitches long) and in each stitch around until the tip is reached. Sc in tip, ch. 2 then sl. st. into top of sc just made (2-ch. picot made), sc in same space, then sc around. Sl. st. into top of first sc and finish off.

To make the stem:
Ch. 4, then sl. st. through base of first leaf, keeping in mind which way is front. Ch. 1, then attach the second leaf in the same way. Ch. 12. Sc in 4th ch. from hook, in next 9, in space between leaves, and in the last ch. Finish off and hide loose ends.

The glue I use is amazing for projects like this. No sewing is necessary for this pattern because of it. The puff stitch earrings will hold well and can be washed. Some ironing may be required to flatten the stem and leaves the correct way for hanging properly. These earrings are about 1 1/2″ in length.

Puff Stitch Flower Earrings


Crocheted Cat Toy with Free Pattern

A crocheted cat toy is just the ticket for happy kitties. Store-bought toys can be pricey, and they have strange manufacturing odors. By crocheting cat toys, I ingrain my scent onto the yarn. This makes the toy especially tantalizing to my cats. I have three of them: Bubbles, Saxophone, and Sprinkle. They really love playing with yarn, so I decided to come up with a  pattern.

Cat Toy Materials

Cat Toy Pattern

Crochet Legend:
sl. st. = slip stitch
ch.     = chain
sc      = single crochet
inc.   = single crochet increase (2 stitches in 1)
dec.  = single crochet decrease ( 1 stitch in 2)

Using a G-size hook,
Ch. to desired length, ch. 1 ( I did 265 ch. for reference)
Sc in base of first ch. stitch on opposite side and each ch. until the end, ch. 1
Sc on other side until the end, then sl. st.
Ch. 6 and sl. st. on the other side, ch. 1
Sc 6 in ring, ch. 1
Inc. in ring, sl. st. together and ch. 1 (12 stitches)
*Sc in next sc, then inc.* around and sl. st. together and ch. 1 (18 stitches)
*2 sc in next 2 sc, then inc.* around and sl. st. together and ch. 1 (24 stitches)
*3 sc in next 3 sc, then inc.* around and sl. st. together and ch. 1 (30 stitches)
Sc in each sc around 5 times, making sure to sl. st. and ch. 1 at the end of each row (5 rows) (150 stitches)
*3 sc in next 3 sc, then dec.* around and sl. st. together and ch. 1
*2 sc in next 2 sc, then dec.* around and sl. st. together and ch. 1
*Sc in next sc, then dec.* around and sl. st. together and ch. 1 (Stuff at This Point)
Dec. around to finish ball. The cat toy is done now, or more can be added. I added some free-style frills for extra enjoyment.

Chain 6 at EndSingle Crochets Joined for BallSecond Row IncreaseThird RowFourth RowFifth RowStart of DecreaseStuff at This Point

Free-Style Additions to Cat Toy

Before finishing off and while at the base of the ball, Ch. 18, sl. st. in 2nd ch. from hook and in each ch. down. Sl. st. in same space and in next sc. Ch. 26, dc in 3rd ch. from hook, dc 8 more in same ch. for a 10-stitch popcorn. Sc down the rest of the row and sl. st. in same space. Sl. st. in next sc and repeat the first row. Ch. 18 and make a 3 dc cluster in 3rd ch. from hook, ch. 2, 3 dc cluster in next ch. sl. st. in the rest of the chains and in the same space. Repeat row one again. Sl. st. across the diameter for extra support. Leave a long tail when finishing off so that there is extra string.
Optional: For added strength, sew the top part where the single crochets meet the ball. Keep the ball as centered as possible and the string from bunching.

Sew for Added SupportFinished Cat Toy

After finishing the cat toy, I decided to try it out with my kitties. They each smelled it and batted it. Maybe next time I could add some catnip. I’d say the cat toy was a hit though because now they take turns dragging it around the house and kicking it.

Bubbles Playing with Cat ToySprinkle Playing with Cat ToySaxophone Playing with Cat ToySprinkle Enjoying Cat ToyBubbles and Sprinkle