Little Crocheted Angels Brighten Christmas

With Christmas just around the corner, I decided to crochet a few angels. My grandma used to crochet them for the family. I loved them as a child and got to pick out ones that were special to me. I still enjoy them, and they make really nice ornaments. She let me have her crochet pattern book that I will keep forever. It’s called Angels by Becky Stevens, and it was published by Leisure Arts.

Crocheted AngelsCrocheted Angels

Before Grandma gave me her book, I found a few free patterns online. I finished one large and two small angels from some of those I found. After crocheting, I felt they needed more color. So, I laced ribbon through the wings and dresses. There are several more designs I would like to try:
Peace on Earth in Oombawka Design by Rhondda
Angel in Flight Ornament by Priscilla Hewitt
Angel Bells by Sue Childress
Victorian Vintage Ornament by Tammy
Tree-Topper from Patons
Cute Poofy Skirt from Crochet ‘N’ More
Little One from Crochet ‘N’ More
Mini Treetop by Julie A Bolduc
Little Bobbles by Julie A Bolduc
Lora’s Angel by Lora Johnson
All of these patterns would make great ornaments for the tree or any space that needs brightening.

This year, I crocheted using different colored thread instead of just white. The metallic, silvery thread is very pretty but difficult to use. So I only made a small angel with it. Some of them could use some hair, but they are cute enough without it. Even though each pattern is unique, it is still possible to customize each angel more by adding ribbon and halos.

Victorian PatternCrochet AngelsCrochet Angels

Thread angels can be starched or left as is. For a more sparkly effect, add glitter during the stiffening process. I usually prefer not to stiffen them though because it makes cleaning easier.

Crocheted Angels

Crocheted Angels