Puff Stitch, Floral Earrings with Free Pattern

The puff stitch (puff st) is used in crochet to add dimension. In this case, I used it to make flower petals for earrings.  It can be tricky to successfully get your hook out from under so many loops, but after a while, the task becomes easier because practice makes perfect. One of the neat things about the puff stitch is that it can be made as puffy as desired. There are many patterns that would benefit from that, especially rugs. However, I am talking about earrings today.

More to ComePuff Stitch Flower Earring SuppliesPuff Stitch Earrings

So, the last time I brought up earrings I teased one of the above pictures. Since tinkering with them, I decided they needed more. While puff stitches are pretty, they appeared so bare and alone. Some greenery was needed. There are many leaf patterns available online, but I wanted this pattern to be strictly original. So, I came up with a pattern for a stem and leaf that aesthetically fit my flowers.

Flower Earrings

Puff Stitch Flower

Key for Terms:
slip stitch (sl. st.)     single crochet (sc)
chain (ch.)                   puff stitch (puff st)

Make 2 or 4 flowers depending on if you would like the earrings to be double-sided or not. Use a size 12 hook with #20 Lizbeth thread.
Wrap thread around a size 8 hook, or whatever equivalent-sized item is necessary for the center of the flower, 12 times. Then sl. st. to secure the circle.
Sc 6 times into the ring and sl. st. together.
*Ch. 3, sl. st. in next sc*, around, then sl. st. into ch-3 space and switch colors.
Make a puff st with a total of 14 loops on hook, sl. st. to close then ch. 3 and sl. st. into same ch-3 space. *Sl. st. into next ch-3 space and make puff st* 4 more times. Sl. st. into first ch-3 space and finish off. I tried to make the puff st stand the same height as a double crochet.

Leaf and Stem Pattern

Key for Terms:
slip stitch (sl. st.)     single crochet (sc)                       treble crochet (tr)
chain (ch.)                 half double crochet (hdc)

Make 4 leaves total and 2 stems. It’s best to make the leaves first because they will be attached to the stem as it is crocheted. To make the leaves:
Ch. 6, then sl. st. in 2nd ch. from hook. Sc in next ch., hdc in next ch., tr in last two ch., ch. 1
Sc 3 times alongside tr just made (since a tr is 3 stitches long) and in each stitch around until the tip is reached. Sc in tip, ch. 2 then sl. st. into top of sc just made (2-ch. picot made), sc in same space, then sc around. Sl. st. into top of first sc and finish off.

To make the stem:
Ch. 4, then sl. st. through base of first leaf, keeping in mind which way is front. Ch. 1, then attach the second leaf in the same way. Ch. 12. Sc in 4th ch. from hook, in next 9, in space between leaves, and in the last ch. Finish off and hide loose ends.

The glue I use is amazing for projects like this. No sewing is necessary for this pattern because of it. The puff stitch earrings will hold well and can be washed. Some ironing may be required to flatten the stem and leaves the correct way for hanging properly. These earrings are about 1 1/2″ in length.

Puff Stitch Flower Earrings


Crochet Cute, Summer Earrings Easily

There are quite a selection of styles concerning crocheted earrings. They can go from casual to formal with a few picots or the addition of beads. Crochet is, after all, a very versatile hobby. All it takes is a small hook and size 20 thread to get the right size. Crocheted items have always been popular since their invention. What better thing to crochet than earrings for style that will last?


So many different ideas started popping in my head when I glanced at Pinterest, and those just concern earrings! That site has a knack for stirring creative thoughts. Most trendy pairs go for around $10. Two balls of yarn can go for under that easily, and the glue is trivial because of the use it will get. With 210 yards on each skein, that’s a lot of earrings. Plus, creating your own pair makes them that more unique and tailored to you.

Using beauty products (mascara bottle and eyeliner cap) can help to make jewelry. By wrapping yarn around the products, you create a ring that is the base for the earrings made here. No needle is necessary for connecting the two rings. Just use a slip stitch to join them. The best place to join them is where the larger circle is finished off so that all loose ends are near each other for gluing. If two colors are used, there is no need to fasten off on the larger ring. Just pretend there is a color change, making sure both rings are front-side up, then slip stitch to secure the connection.

Pattern and Pictures for Summer Earrings

Mascara Bottle Making BaseRings for Earrings

As pictured above and to the far left, those are the materials I used. A pair of pliers will be needed to open and close the fishhook earrings over the crocheted loops. Wrap the yarn around both beauty products 18 times. Then take a size 8 hook and make a slip stitch to secure the ring. Single crochet 40 stitches into the larger circle and slip stitch into the first single crochet to finish the round. For the smaller circle after wrapping, single crochet 20 times into it and slip stitch to close the round. After that, chain 3 and double crochet into the same space that was slip stitched. Connect the two using a slip stitch. Cut the yarn and glue the loose ends. The length of the joined circles is about an inch and a half.

Those ideas I mentioned earlier will find their way to DaintyKitty eventually. So, stay tuned for more in the future. Maybe I will have to try my hand at a really formal pair.

More to Come