Keep Hair Shiny and Thick with Essential Oils

The very first step to achieving healthier, fuller hair is to toss out any shampoo containing sulfates and alcohol. Both of those ingredients have been shown to cause irritation and dryness in scalps. Sulfates are known for making the scalp feel extremely clean. That’s because they strip off all the oils from the hair, scalp, and follicles. Although it technically does it’s job, sulfate shampoo takes away the natural, beneficial oils, making it harmful overall.

Olive Oil for Hair

There are many different recipes out there for homemade shampoo. All of them can be tailored to meet specific needs. Essential oils are great additives because they provide amazing benefits. From hair loss to shinier locks, oils deliver. The basic recipe for homemade shampoo includes distilled water, liquid Castile soap, and a carrier oil. If adding essential oils to your shampoo, keep the mixture in a dark, glass bottle that can be made airtight. Glass cannot be melted by the oils like plastic can. If using the basic recipe or just carrier oils, plastic bottles are fine to use.

Basic Homemade Shampoo Recipe

1/4 Cup Distilled Water
1/4 Cup Liquid Castile Soap
1/2 tsp. Jojoba Oil or Carrier Oil of Choosing
Essential Oils of  Choosing (optional)

Essential Oils

Before shampooing your hair, try massaging an oil mixture into your scalp and leaving it in for 10 minutes. Different oils accomplish different tasks. It is important to use all oils with caution because some could cause an allergic reaction. Never use an essential oil without diluting it first with a carrier/base oil. A good ratio to use is 3-6 drops of essential oil to 1 tablespoon carrier oil. I have made a chart to help guide what recipe to make.

Chart of Essential Oil Benefits for Hair

Table of Oils for HairAny combination of the oils above can be mixed and massaged onto the scalp for gorgeous hair. Just leave the mixture in for 10 minutes, or overnight, for a drastic change. If leaving the oils in overnight, be sure to cover your head with a cap. Whether using just the shampoo, or adding a luxurious oil treatment, natural is the way to go for healthier hair.