Bison Burgers Make a Perfect Summer Meal

Bison is a delicious, lean meat that is as versatile as beef. It is a couple dollars more per pound but worth every penny. In my opinion, it is tastier and has a better texture than beef. There is more of a richness to it, too. Antibiotics and hormones are never given to bison, making their meat healthier. One of the biggest differences between the two red meats is that beef contains much more fat. Below, beef is on the left and bison on the right.
Beef Nutrition FactsBison Nutrition Facts

The proportion of ground bison my store carries is 85% lean meat to 15% fat. This is the best ratio for making good burgers. The double-digit percentage of fat is nothing to worry about. My George Foreman grill gets rid of any excess. A broiler or outside grill also allows fat to drip away from the meat. Fat is necessary for the patty to stay together and remain juicy.

Ground BisonScaleBison Patties

The scale pictured above is something I use to ensure each patty is close to the same size. Maybe it’s overkill, but I think it helps keep each one uniform so that they all cook better. Since there are 16 ounces, I divide the meat into four parts, each weighing four ounces.

Seasoning for Bison Burgers

Before grilling the burgers, they must be marinated. Some people prefer just salt and pepper, but I enjoy a mouth full of flavor. Worcestershire sauce is a condiment that always has a place in my pantry. It can be used in so many dishes to add a punch of flavor and mystery. Another favorite and staple of mine is Season All. When making grilled meat inside, I like adding a bit of liquid smoke to get that hint of hickory flavor.  A little goes a long way, so be careful when using it. I prefer five drops per meat patty, but some might prefer fewer drops. Garlic powder can be used generously because there is no salt in it. My husband prefers Old Bay seasoning to Season All, so I found one that has a garlic and herb blend. If you haven’t noticed, we love garlic! Seriously though, it’s delicious and heart-healthy.

Worcestershire Sauce and Liquid SmokeSeasoned Bison BurgersCooked Bison

When seasoning the bison, be careful. If too much liquid is added, the patties will become soggy and fall apart. I have found that five drops of liquid smoke and about a half teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce do the trick. Then I evenly coat both sides with garlic powder and seasoning of choice. For a very intense flavor, try marinating overnight in the refrigerator. Usually, I start them in the morning, and they are ready by dinner time.

Bison Burgers

Healthier Alternative for Bison Burgers

For more of a low-carb meal, try using only lettuce as a “bun.” An easy way to do it is to slice the bison patty in half first. Then add whatever toppings you like and wrap a lettuce leaf around it. A toothpick can help secure the sandwich. Iceberg lettuce is very convenient to use in this way, but other lettuce will do just fine with some maneuvering.