Rose Water Facial Mask for Aging or Sun-Damaged Skin

Rose water not only smells and tastes nice, but it also helps heal skin. During the 17th century, royalty considered it so valuable that it was used as currency. Today, it is still just as valuable, especially concerning skin care. It has been shown to be a highly effective moisturizer. Rose water may also reduce damage to elastin fibers in skin. This makes it great for reducing wrinkles and dullness. Needless to say, it is an important addition to any skin care regimen.

Rose Water

Rose water can be used alone as a toner or spritzed as a moisturizer. If you want more fighting power, add some other great ingredients to make a mask. I have made a chart that shows what each ingredient does, and the best part is that they go with all skin types.

Face Mask Ingredient Guide

All of the natural ingredients listed above are great at what they do. One thing to keep in mind when using honey is that it should always be raw to get the full effects. I have mentioned almond oil in the past, and I have experienced how awesome it is. On top of everything it does, it seems to help even skin tone. Aloe Vera is another super ingredient, especially concerning sun burns. One that surprised me is chia seeds. They are known for being healthy to eat, but they also help skin. Really it’s a good idea to both eat them and apply them to help aging. Finally, there is matcha green tea powder, which has basically the same effects on skin as it does internally.

Rose Water Mask

1 tsp. Rose Water
1 tsp. Raw Honey
1/2 tsp. Almond Oil
1/2 tsp. Aloe Vera
1/4 tsp. Chia Seeds
1/4 tsp. Matcha Green Tea

Before getting started, keep in mind that the mask mixture must soak for 30 minutes up to 2 hours. This keeps the chia seeds from absorbing your skin’s moisture and it allows their nutrients easier access to the dermis. Take a small bowl and add everything together. Mix well and let set at room temperature. Make sure that your skin is clean before applying any mask. It is best to take a warm washcloth and place it on the face for a couple of minutes to open pores for maximum absorption. After soaking, take the mask and apply it, being careful to avoid the eye area. Keep it on for about 15 minutes or until it is mostly dry. Rinse off with warm water and pat dry.

Rose Water Face Mask IngredientsRose Water Face Mask

Get Rid of Blackheads and Whiteheads with Two Ingredients

Blackheads and whiteheads are annoying skin problems that happen to everyone at some point. A common misconception about blackheads is that they are dirty pores. The truth is that they are actually open pores filled with darkened sebum and dead skin cells. Whiteheads or milia are the same thing except the pores are mostly closed, keeping the sebum and dead skin inside from oxidizing. Both are mild acne problems that can easily be managed since we know the definitions.


Chemistry is the key in knowing how to banish blackheads and whiteheads. More specifically, the science of solubility is the key. In general, “like dissolves like” when it comes to how substances interact with solvents. So, oil should dissolve other oils. Applying oil will not only dissolve the problem but also moisturize the skin, helping to diminish the appearance of wrinkles.  There are many different oils to choose from, making it easy to find the right one to use. I found a really helpful guide for reference. Almond oil is what I choose to use personally, but any oil on the list can be used.

Almond Oil

Another key to getting rid of blackheads and whiteheads is knowing that bacteria contributes to their making. Of course, one of the best essential oils for killing bacteria is tea tree oil. Some may be sensitive to it, but those who are not can benefit greatly from its qualities. There are other oils that could work in killing bacteria if tea tree oil doesn’t comply with your skin. Some essential oils can be drying, so it is always good to apply a small amount. The guide mentioned above shows other essential oils and gives the general definition of what they do.


Remove Blackheads & Whiteheads

Almond Oil
Tea Tree Oil
2 Q-Tips

The best time to do this is before bed, after cleansing the face. Take a Q-Tip and dip it in some Almond oil and gently rub it on the problem areas. It doesn’t take a lot, and it absorbs quickly. Then take another Q-Tip, dip it in some Tea Tree Oil and dab it over the same areas. Never put any essential oils next to the eyes, especially tea tree oil. The T-Zone is usually where I coat my face. Over time, the acne will disappear. After just one night of using this treatment, I noticed a drastic difference for the better.


Face Mask for Anti-Aging and Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

A face mask is a special treat that really packs a punch and making it at home is easy. All it takes are a few ingredients that most people already have on hand. It doesn’t matter what complexion you have because the recipes are versatile. After learning about different ingredients and recipe ratios, it’s easy to concoct your own creation.


In nature, there are many ingredients that help in more ways than one. This makes it really simple to gain multiple benefits from just two things. Matcha green tea and turmeric are easily found, and both provide several skin-loving qualities. The main thing I like about both of them is that they are anti-inflammatory because they are loaded with antioxidants. Aspirin, Dead Sea Salt, and honey also get rid of free radicals and soothe the skin.

After looking at different information online and referencing what I already know, I made a mask to soothe the skin and hinder aging. It first tingles and burns a bit if there is any inflammation on the skin, but that goes away quickly for soothing relief.

Anti-Aging and Anti-Inflammatory Face Mask

1 Aspirin (Ground)
1 tsp. Dead Sea Salt
1/2 tsp. Matcha Green Tea
1/4 tsp. Turmeric
1/4 tsp. Raw Honey
1 tsp. Hot Water

Break the aspirin tablet up by hitting it and put it in a small bowl. Make sure the bowl you use won’t stain because turmeric can really linger. Add the Dead Sea Salt, Matcha, and turmeric. Stir until blended. Take some really hot water and add it to the dry ingredients. Everything should dissolve nicely. After there is a paste, add honey and stir again. It is ready to be used. Refrigerate any unused portion for up to a week. Keep in mind that turmeric can tint fair-skinned people. The color change shouldn’t last for more than a few hours. Also, be careful not to stain any towels or clothing with this mask! While over the sink, apply the mask to the face in a thin layer. Leave it on for about ten minutes, then rinse off with warm water.


Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Aging MaskDry Mask IngredientsHomemade Face Mask

Keep Hair Shiny and Thick with Essential Oils

The very first step to achieving healthier, fuller hair is to toss out any shampoo containing sulfates and alcohol. Both of those ingredients have been shown to cause irritation and dryness in scalps. Sulfates are known for making the scalp feel extremely clean. That’s because they strip off all the oils from the hair, scalp, and follicles. Although it technically does it’s job, sulfate shampoo takes away the natural, beneficial oils, making it harmful overall.

Olive Oil for Hair

There are many different recipes out there for homemade shampoo. All of them can be tailored to meet specific needs. Essential oils are great additives because they provide amazing benefits. From hair loss to shinier locks, oils deliver. The basic recipe for homemade shampoo includes distilled water, liquid Castile soap, and a carrier oil. If adding essential oils to your shampoo, keep the mixture in a dark, glass bottle that can be made airtight. Glass cannot be melted by the oils like plastic can. If using the basic recipe or just carrier oils, plastic bottles are fine to use.

Basic Homemade Shampoo Recipe

1/4 Cup Distilled Water
1/4 Cup Liquid Castile Soap
1/2 tsp. Jojoba Oil or Carrier Oil of Choosing
Essential Oils of  Choosing (optional)

Essential Oils

Before shampooing your hair, try massaging an oil mixture into your scalp and leaving it in for 10 minutes. Different oils accomplish different tasks. It is important to use all oils with caution because some could cause an allergic reaction. Never use an essential oil without diluting it first with a carrier/base oil. A good ratio to use is 3-6 drops of essential oil to 1 tablespoon carrier oil. I have made a chart to help guide what recipe to make.

Chart of Essential Oil Benefits for Hair

Table of Oils for HairAny combination of the oils above can be mixed and massaged onto the scalp for gorgeous hair. Just leave the mixture in for 10 minutes, or overnight, for a drastic change. If leaving the oils in overnight, be sure to cover your head with a cap. Whether using just the shampoo, or adding a luxurious oil treatment, natural is the way to go for healthier hair.