Addiction Aftercare Programs

If you’re struggling with an addiction, the first step is to seek treatment. At Cenikor, many members of our staff have been down a similar path, and we are ready to help you as you take the next step toward recovery. It’s important to have someone to support you through the highs and lows of recovery. This may include going back to school or career training, putting together a resume, or finding suitable employment. Creating new goals can help you keep moving forward on the path to sobriety. Focusing on health and wellness is helpful for creating new positive habits and behaviors.

  • Studies on sober livings show that peer support systems can help reduce the chances of relapse.
  • This can put you in a bad place financially and lead you to make destructive life decisions.
  • There are sober coaches and Mentors that are not in  addiction recovery, as well.
  • Someone who has these qualities and the patience to see someone through the challenges of recovery makes a wonderful mentor.

the lives of drug addicts, alcoholics, and those that love them.

A life coach can offer guidance about the next best steps to take in your life. Furthermore, some addicts may face even more pressing issues, like pending legal trouble, lingering toxic relationships, or the inability to cope with certain emotions they can no longer numb in early sobriety. They may struggle to find passion or purpose in life to fill the huge void left after drugs are expunged from the system. Young men new to sobriety have much to learn from someone who has been down the same road. It is also our belief that residents who have accumulated some amount of sober time benefit greatly from mentoring newly sober young men.

Related Resources

  • Since they have a strong foundation of sober skills, they are generally seen as stable and reliable.
  • It can be tough to find people to relate to when you are going through a difficult time.
  • However, sober coaching from recovery service providers such as Transcend Recovery Community helps addicts address their issues and guide them to a path of permanent sobriety.
  • This is a great asset to those struggling with their own personal battles.
  • A mentor can help you see that recovery is possible and you are worth the effort.
  • Typically, they are available hourly, daily, and several days per week.

Quality sober livings are highly structured environments with daily schedules, rules, and expectations. Instead of expecting new residents to assimilate all this information right away, they are generally assigned a mentor. Mentors are individuals who have lived at the sober living house a bit longer. They can help show the newer resident the ropes and help them know where to go, what to do, and how to have fun in sobriety! Mentors for new house members are also often the first to recognize when a person may be putting themselves in danger, struggling with triggers, or dealing with emotional turmoil. Transcend’s sober mentoring program was established to slow down the ‘zero to sixty’ transition from structured settings into more independent living.

sober mentoring

Can Mental Health Providers Work as Mentors?

  • A treatment center would usually endorse a life coach or sober companion most especially during outpatient treatment to provide part-time support during early recovery and as part of their healing process.
  • Here are some of the fun activities you can enjoy that do not result in waking up drooling in a Bushwick warehouse.
  • Another way that clients can continue working through their own recovery while simultaneously giving back to their community is through mentorship.

Acting as guide and confidant, the mentor shows the alcoholic or addict how to work a program of recovery, helps him or her engage with other recovering people, and starts the process of living in the solution. A recovery mentor is skilled at overcoming the common resistance to attending A.A. According to the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, people who have social connections Top 5 Advantages of Staying in a Sober Living House are more likely to make healthy choices and have better mental and physical health. Recovery is hard, and it’s harder when you find yourself without sober mentorship. One of the goals of sober mentorships is to help you transition into your daily life without substance use. At The Guest House, we believe that connection is the key to establishing long-term recovery goals.

Teens that have a mentor are more likely to graduate high school, enroll in college, and volunteer in their communities. They are also less likely to begin using drugs and alcohol, according to the 2014 report, The Mentoring Effect. I would argue that it is more important to find someone that you can really work on yourself with, not just the substance abuse. Sooner or later you will find out that drugs are not the problem, they never were. Healthy hobbies can be beneficial for overall mind and body health, especially during the recovery process.

sober mentoring

They are personally guided through every phase of the recovery process and they are continually monitored to discourage relapse. Licensed professionals participate in mentoring and monitoring programs provided by their licensing agencies. They are personally guided through every phase of the recovery process and they are continually monitored to encourage compliance.

Health and Wellness