How to buy Fantom Buy FTM in 4 steps

how to buy fantom

It has a completely different network and structure than the regular Bitcoin. The only way to own a Fantom is to buy it from a reliable exchange. That way, you can keep your currencies in your devices, such as your desktop or laptop. If you prefer, you can also use an online wallet to keep your holdings safe on the internet. That’s the first step in buying Fantom, once you get your Bitcoin or Ethereum, you can continue to the next step.

  • Fantom is a blockchain platform capable of running smart contracts.
  • To access the best prices and liquidity for DEXs that list Fantom, you can use the integrated swap feature in fWallet.
  • There is a wide range of trading strategies for investing in Fantom (FTM).
  • Another method is using prepaid cards to purchase cryptos on peer-to-peer markets.
  • Fantom also uses its FTM to solve issues related to transaction speed and scalability.

It should operate within the financial services laws and ideally be regulated by a native government agency or by one recognised by local authorities. Fantom (FTM) is a cryptoasset that currently ranks as the 69th largest by market cap (that’s the total value of Fantom in circulation – $1.1 billion). Once you have fully comprehended the risks, here are the steps to buy the new FTM coin. However, since you have already received 5000 FTM, you will receive only 95,900 FTM when you unstake to account for the extra 4100 FTM in rewards you forfeit by unstaking early. You stake and lock 100,000 FTM for one year, giving you a ~6% APR which equals 6000 FTM in total rewards. Around day 300, you will have received almost 5000 FTM, at which point you decide to unstake before the one-year period ends.

Are there any quick ways to buy Fantom in Europe?

As of 10 February, FTM is trading for $0.39 (£0.31), an increase of 2.37% against $0.40 a day earlier. Over the past year, Fantom’s price has seen a decrease of 13.81%. The most convenient way to buy Fantom is through a regulated cryptocurrency exchange such as BYDFi. Fantom tries to overcome this trilemma with its pioneering proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus algorithm called Lachesis. Users with the minimum number of FTM tokens (currently 500,000) can participate as validators earning a share of transaction fees on the network. However, it is possible to have both a locked delegation and “stake as you go” in a validator, as the image below shows.

how to buy fantom

If you wish to include the FTM you have in locked delegations, you must first unlock these by clicking the “Unlock more? Keep in mind unlocking before your lock period ends incurs a penalty as outlined in the section above. As such, you will never receive less FTM than you staked originally. While it is possible to unlock your FTM before your lock period ends, this will incur a penalty. Note that it is only possible to add FTM to locked delegations with more than 14 days remaining of their lock period. If you use a wallet other than MetaMask that does not have the option to add Fantom natively, add this custom RPC endpoint to your wallet.

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This involves specifying the amount you want to stake and confirming the transaction in your wallet. We’re firm believers in the Golden Rule, which is why editorial opinions are ours alone and have not been previously reviewed, approved, or endorsed by included advertisers. Editorial content from The Ascent is separate from The Motley Fool editorial content and is created by a different analyst team. We’ve found one company that’s positioned itself perfectly as a long-term picks-and-shovels solution for the broader crypto market — Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and all the others.

Our information is based on independent research and may differ from what you see from a financial institution or service provider. When comparing offers or services, verify relevant information with the institution or provider’s site. Please note that as your transaction is on-chain, the processing time may vary. The order status will change to “Completed” after you get the coins. It’s usually free to make a bank transfer from your local bank accounts, but you should still double-check with your exchange. Sei Network has attracted significant investment from notable entities in the crypto space.

Store Fantom in Your KuCoin Account

However, the buy-and-hold method remains the most powerful of them all. MetaMask is another popular hot wallet that operates on the FTM blockchain. There is also Coinbase Wallet which can be downloaded on Android, iOS, and as an extension on Google browser. EToro accounts how to buy fantom are completely free and take only a few moments to create. The blockchain also has a transactional finality of 1 second. This allows it to operate faster and in a more scalable manner than Ethereum, whose near-instant finality is between 12 to 14 seconds.