How Much to Charge as a Bookkeeper

how much to charge for bookkeeping services

On top of this, it is also a bookkeeper’s job to keep everything organized. That way, when it is time to file your small business taxes, you can easily access all the data you need. When implementing fixed-fee or value-based billing, it’s easy to under or overestimate the time it will take you to complete a task. Having an open dialogue with clients about this when you’re first signing them can be a good idea to pre-empt adjustments down the line. And because you’re giving them a quote prior to starting the work, prospective clients won’t be surprised by any hidden costs. With an hourly rate, unless you can find more hours in the day, it’s difficult—borderline impossible—to drive up profit significantly.

The important part is to figure out what services you provide and how much you want to charge for them. They will appreciate the work you do, and some will even tell you so. There just seems to be a visceral objection to paying for things that don’t directly improve sales.

  1. This rate helps both bookkeepers and those who need a bookkeeper figure out a fair price.
  2. According to a survey by ZipRecruiter, the average national rate for a self-employed bookkeeper is $34.64 per hour, but these rates vary from one state to the next.
  3. With tech taking up so much airspace in modern accounting, those who are fluent users are quickly outpacing those who aren’t.

The overall cost depends on various factors, the most important being experience, education, and certifications. Although not a crucial factor, it’s important to ensure the bookkeeper has experience working with software that you find convenient. The type and number of certifications a bookkeeper has can impact the actual cost of their service. You also get the benefit of a higher expertise level compared to training your office manager for bookkeeping. I also collect payments through their payment processing system. Payments come in electronically, and when they come in, I apply it to the patient’s balance.

Any of these options might be perfect for you right now, and the best option will change throughout your bookkeeping career. You can discuss your prices in advance based on the work you’ve been asked to do. There are three types of certifications for bookkeepers that we recommend. If you’re unsure if cash basis bookkeeping will work for your business, talk to us. We’d be happy to understand the needs of your business and determine if Bench is a good fit for you.

You may not know how long you’ll need someone, but comparing the monthly bookkeeping cost of a contractor versus an in-house employee is the best way to see this angle side by side. Accountants maintain a wide range of skill sets, including managing spending and budgets, taxes, and analysis of financial statements. To be exceptional at these tasks, accountants must complete years of training and earn special certifications, which their salaries reflect. Depending on the type of accountant, years of experience, and certifications, you could be paying a pretty penny. In an ideal world, all your clients would be ongoing at a fixed or value-based billing structure.

In addition to these basic bookkeeping activities, your costs will be impacted by how your accounting systems, policies and procedures, and reporting needs are set up and administered. Bookkeepers can also leverage digital tools, like online bookkeeping cost estimators, to assist in determining appropriate pricing for their services. These estimators consider factors such as the scope of work, the number of transactions processed, and additional value-added services. They provide bookkeepers with a convenient and reliable method to generate accurate cost estimates tailored to their clients’ needs. Whether you’re hiring in-house or outsourcing your bookkeeping, finding someone that has the right software tools to make finance management easy is important. Outsourcing bookkeeping is a good option when you could use a hand hiring a bookkeeper for keeping track of a part of your financial management.

Full-Time Bookkeeping for Small to Medium Businesses

Look at the types of services you offer and compare what you currently charge to others. Many clients may be willing to pay a little more in exchange for trustworthy knowledge and training. If you want to learn about the fastest way to become a self-employed bookkeeper, working flexible hours online for your clients, check out Brilliant Bookkeeper. Taxes are incredibly complex, so we may not have been able to answer your question in the article. Get $30 off a tax consultation with a licensed CPA or EA, and we’ll be sure to provide you with a robust, bespoke answer to whatever tax problems you may have.

how much to charge for bookkeeping services

Fixed-rate pricing can be advantageous for both bookkeepers and clients, as it simplifies billing processes and eliminates the need for detailed time tracking. It works well for routine bookkeeping tasks or services that have a predictable workload. One common pricing strategy is to base charges on an hourly rate. With this approach, bookkeepers set an hourly rate and invoice clients accordingly. This method is straightforward and allows for flexibility when it comes to estimating charges for different tasks or projects. When it comes to pricing bookkeeping services, bookkeepers have several strategies at their disposal.

Whether you decide to outsource your bookkeeping or do it with an in house bookkeeper, you should be aware of the costs involved. As a small business owner, you want to make well-informed decisions about financing your bookkeeping expenses, and you want to do it correctly. With my small clients, I do all the regular bookkeeping tasks, such as hooking their banks up to QuickBooks Online, categorizing all their transactions, and reconciling at the end of the month. However, for this client, I also do receipt management, which is probably the most time-consuming task I do for this preschool. Outsourcing accounting services allows you to reap the benefits of an accountant without the costs of a full-time employee, such as insurance and other benefits. Bringing someone on as an in-house full-time employee requires extra costs on your end, such as benefits and health care, whereas contractors are not entitled to these perks.

Client size

Bookkeeper salaries vary state by state (see our chart below), and depending on where you live, you could be paying a large difference in one place versus another. And now that you know the answer to the question “How much does a bookkeeper cost? ” you may wonder what exactly a bookkeeper does and the different types of bookkeeping services you can pay for. Yes, many bookkeepers are skilled in specific areas like payroll and taxes. They can also help prepare tax documents to make sure you’re following the rules. Many people have questions about how much bookkeepers charge and what affects their rates.

Online services offer flexibility and access to a team of bookkeepers familiar with various accounting software, which can improve efficiency. Bookkeepers also look at what others in their field are charging. By looking at these rates, bookkeepers can make sure their prices are fair.

Which states have the highest freelance bookkeeping rates?

Whether you need a full time or part time employee will greatly impact how you calculate labor cost. Employee costs like benefits, training, and time-off are important to think about when comparing an in-house bookkeeper and a financial management company. Bookkeepers do a lot of different things to help businesses keep track of their money. They can handle daily records, pay bills, and make sure you’re ready for tax time by preparing W2 forms.

There’s no extra fee or hourly charges for support—we’re always happy to nerd out about bookkeeping and your financial statements. Bookkeeping deals primarily with handling the financial records of a business and preparing financial statements. This is essentially a part of accounting, and an accountant or a bookkeeper can manage it, depending on the company’s needs. A full charge bookkeeper takes care of the usual bookkeeping service but also handles some accounting duties. Think of this bookkeeping service as a mix between traditional accounting and bookkeeping. The number of tasks you assign to them directly impacts the price of each bookkeeping service.

Bookkeepers provide a variety of financial services found in the table below. If you need services a bookkeeper doesn’t typically provide, you may need to hire an accountant or CPA firm instead. The more experienced the bookkeeper, the more confident they are with their skills.

Again, the best course of action for you to take when setting prices is doing your research. Take a look at industry averages, rates by state, and more to get an idea of how much to charge your clients. A full-time bookkeeper handles the day-to-day accounting functions for your office. Keeping your books in order and up-to-date is the foundation of the financial strength of your business. Hiring a full-time bookkeeper in this situation could be the right answer for you.

It’s reasonable for a new bookkeeper to charge around $40 an hour, but you’ll need to do some research in your area to make sure that is a good starting point. From there, you can raise your rates as you gain more experience, and many top out around $80 or more an hour. A big tip, if you’re going to any type of non-hourly billing, is to work out a price list for your services. This can be something you share or even display on your website, but it doesn’t have to be.

Business owners who wish to automate their financial tasks can use some of the latest tools on the market. The best approach to bookkeeping is to translate the work of keeping your financial records and books in order into dollars. If the cost is similar to that of an actual bookkeeper for performing the same tasks, then it may be better just to pay someone to do the job. I work a maximum of 20 hours per month on this particular client’s books and charge $1,000 a month. To illustrate what a large client looks like, I’ll be using a physical therapist office I do bookkeeping for that generates about $1.2 million in revenue a year.