Blackberries from My Garden Make Crepes Super Delicious

Blackberries are plentiful this time of year, and I am grateful for it. They are easy to grow and make delicious fruit that is slightly tart. There are many different species of blackberry plants to choose from to fit any space. Last year, my husband and I purchased two different thornless blackberry plants for our garden. The two kinds are Chester and Black Satin. Both have been very fruitful this year and taste incredible. Over the last couple days, I have been picking them to accumulate enough to make a compote for crepes.

BlackberriesFresh BlackberriesFreshly Picked Blackberries

In the summer, there is nothing quite as sweet as fresh fruit, especially when it’s from your garden. It’s even sweeter when added to crepes. One of the best ways to server fruit with crepes is by making it into a compote. The tartness in blackberries makes them perfect for it since sugar is added to make a syrup. There are many ways to make a compote, but I like to keep it fairly simple.

Compote Made of Blackberries

8 oz. Fresh or Frozen Blackberries
2 Tbsp. Sugar
Squeeze of Lemon Juice (optional)
1/2 Cup Water

Put the blackberries and sugar in a saucepan and stir well, sort of smashing the berries a bit. This allows the fruit to sweat its juices. After five minutes, add the water and bring the mixture to a hard simmer. Stir it every so often, checking the thickness. A compote is ready when the liquid has reduced and has become slightly gooey. At this point, the lemon can be added. For a smoother, non-seedy mix, blend the compote then strain it.

Blackberry Compote


1 Cup All-Purpose Flour
2 Eggs
1/2 Cup Milk
1/2 Cup Water
1/4 tsp. Salt
2 Tbsp. Butter, Melted
1 tsp. Vanilla
1/2 tsp. Cinnamon (optional)

Whisk the eggs and incorporate the flour with them in a large bowl. Gradually add the milk and water, making sure that the mixture is thoroughly combined. Add the salt, then slowly add the butter as you stir. This allows the butter to mix better. Finally, add vanilla and cinnamon and stir. Heat a large skillet that has been greased over medium heat. Once the pan is hot enough, add 1/4 cup batter. Quickly tilt the pan so that the batter can spread evenly across the surface. This takes some practice. Keep in mind, the first crepe always takes the longest because the pan isn’t super heated. I like my crepes nice and golden brown, but some prefer them white. It will take 2 minutes on the first side. Carefully loosen the bottom and flip to cook the other side. The rest of the batter should go quicker once the first crepe is done. Be careful to watch them so they don’t burn. This recipe makes approximately 8 crepes.

CrepeCrepe Flipped

Crepe BatterStack of Crepes

Crepes with Blackberry Compote