Face Mask for Anti-Aging and Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

A face mask is a special treat that really packs a punch and making it at home is easy. All it takes are a few ingredients that most people already have on hand. It doesn’t matter what complexion you have because the recipes are versatile. After learning about different ingredients and recipe ratios, it’s easy to concoct your own creation.


In nature, there are many ingredients that help in more ways than one. This makes it really simple to gain multiple benefits from just two things. Matcha green tea and turmeric are easily found, and both provide several skin-loving qualities. The main thing I like about both of them is that they are anti-inflammatory because they are loaded with antioxidants. Aspirin, Dead Sea Salt, and honey also get rid of free radicals and soothe the skin.

After looking at different information online and referencing what I already know, I made a mask to soothe the skin and hinder aging. It first tingles and burns a bit if there is any inflammation on the skin, but that goes away quickly for soothing relief.

Anti-Aging and Anti-Inflammatory Face Mask

1 Aspirin (Ground)
1 tsp. Dead Sea Salt
1/2 tsp. Matcha Green Tea
1/4 tsp. Turmeric
1/4 tsp. Raw Honey
1 tsp. Hot Water

Break the aspirin tablet up by hitting it and put it in a small bowl. Make sure the bowl you use won’t stain because turmeric can really linger. Add the Dead Sea Salt, Matcha, and turmeric. Stir until blended. Take some really hot water and add it to the dry ingredients. Everything should dissolve nicely. After there is a paste, add honey and stir again. It is ready to be used. Refrigerate any unused portion for up to a week. Keep in mind that turmeric can tint fair-skinned people. The color change shouldn’t last for more than a few hours. Also, be careful not to stain any towels or clothing with this mask! While over the sink, apply the mask to the face in a thin layer. Leave it on for about ten minutes, then rinse off with warm water.


Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Aging MaskDry Mask IngredientsHomemade Face Mask