Essential Oils Provide Many Benefits at Reasonable Cost

Essential Oils

Whether essential oils are used medicinally or for fragrance, they provide a broad spectrum of benefits. However, they should be treated as anything else that goes in or on the body. It is always a good idea to test a small area of skin with diluted essential oil in a carrier/base oil before applying fully. Wait about 24 hours for any reaction that may occur. If nothing bad happens, then the oil should be safe to use. Everyone is different, so always test to be certain.

There are a myriad of curative oils in existence that I could go on forever, so I will limit descriptions to just four today. I have used essential oils for almost twenty years and can say that they work. In a world where antibiotics are becoming less effective against bacteria and more detrimental to health, I find it comforting to know that nature has its own way of defeating sickness. When I was a child, doctors prescribed me every kind of antibiotic there was at the time. I took all of them, and ended up being sicker for it. Antibiotics not only destroyed the bad bacteria in me, but they also destroyed all the good. Because of this, I no longer take any unless it’s absolutely necessary. This is where essential oils are helpful.

Lavender Essential Oil


Lavender essential oil is amazing when it comes to calming and healing. It can aid in more restful sleep when it is dropped onto a cotton ball and placed under a pillow. Muscle tension can be relieved by adding a few drops to a bath. Infuse Epsom salt with lavender oil for added benefit while soaking in the tub. There is even evidence that the oil can promote hair growth.  Another great attribute of lavender oil is that it relieves inflammation, making it ideal for blemish control. If using it on the face, be especially sure to use it with a carrier oil and test first. There are many carrier oils to choose from, and they all interact differently with the skin.


Carrier Oils

Tea Tree

Tea tree oil is sort of an all-purpose essential oil. It is common and costs very little. Most people know it for its skin benefits, but it can be used to treat fungus, bacteria, and viruses. Anytime I squeeze pimples, I put some on the inflamed area to soothe and heal it. The best time to put it on the face is at night before bed since the eyes will be closed. Most oils can cause watery eyes if applied too close, and tea tree oil is one of them. Never apply an essential oil near the eyes, whether it’s on the eyelid or underneath.
Many different ailments can be treated at home using tea tree oil. Dandruff will lessen by adding a few drops to shampoo. Toenail fungus and ringworm die after contact with the oil. I use it “neat” (undiluted) when applying it to my nails. The best time to treat nails infected with fungus is after a shower or bath, making sure to cover underneath the nails as well.



Bergamot oil comes from the bergamot tree, which is a cross between an orange and lemon tree. It is mostly used for aromatherapy. The scent of the oil alleviates depression and energizes the body and mind. Bergamot essential oil can be used to help with anxiety as well. It has helped me with several panic attacks. Either sniff it from the bottle or add a few drops to a diffuser for relief. An interesting fact about the oil is that it is used to flavor Earl Grey tea. Always remember to keep it stored in a dark place because sunlight could cause toxicity.





Eucalyptus oil has many healing qualities. It has antibacterial properties concerning upper respiratory infections and streptococcus. The oil also has antimicrobial properties, making it excellent for dental care. It has even been shown to be effective at repelling insects. One of my favorite uses for the oil is to add a few drops of it to a pot of boiling water for sinus relief. Anytime I get stopped up, I get a towel and make a tent over my head in order to breathe in the healing vapors. Nothing is more helpful for me than this. Eucalyptus oil can also be used as an analgesic and massaged onto problem areas.


All essential oils have healing properties in some form. Of the four mentioned above, bergamot is the most expensive, but it is cheaper than most anti-anxiety drugs. With just these four oils, one can do a lot.

Always be sure to read all the information about an oil before using it. Also check for any interactions with medicines prescribed by your doctor.